Week 4 Synth composition

My inspiration for this assignment is the Roland TB-303 bass line synthesizer, which creates a very distinctive squelching sound and is present in a lot of music I listen to. My goal was to regenerate a sound as close as possible to TB 303 with synth on Tone.js, by creating a repeating melody pattern and manipulate two of the variable parameters on the original synthesizer (filter envelope decay, and cutoff frequency or Q(resonance) ) and to have those parameters also manipulate my sketch on canvas. I looked up some characteristics of the synthesizer and found it is an analog subtractive synth that creates Sawtooth and square wave only, with no LFO, and a 24dB low pass resonant filter, non self oscillating. Both the amplitude envelope and the filter envelope have a sharp attack and exponential decay. With that goal in mind I played with a virtual TB303 synthesizer in the browser: and came up with a melody patch: https://soundcloud.com/chuchu-jiang/virtual-tb-303


  1. My original approach was to create a subtractive synth with Tone.oscillator and apply a filter, an amplitude envelope, and a filter envelope manually. However,  I couldn't figure out how to have an oscillator play a set of notes (an array of notes I assigned) generated with the same filter and envelopes(so I can later manipulate the whole melody with these parameters), because notes are passed in at the beginning: osc = new Tone.Oscillator("F2", "sawtooth");  and triggered separately with ampEnv.triggerAttackRelease(); and filterEnv.triggerAttackRelease(); ,where I cannot pass in a set of note values. I found a way around this problem by creating a MonoSynth instead, which has all the subtractive synth features built in(oscillator, amplitude envelope, filter and filter envelope), so that I can later pass my patch of notes in synth.triggerAttackRelease(note, duration); .
  2. I am still using Tone.Transport.position.split(":") to get position of beats and notes and Tone.Transport.scheduleRepeat() to play notes repeatedly, I used a nested for loop for 4 bars of 4 16th notes, which was a little bit redundant. I was exploring other ways of scheduling how to play a loop of different notes using Tone.part
  3. As I was trying to manipulate the synth features as well as my sketch while the patch is being looped, I realized I need to place those variables in the draw loop. Since I had the all the features of MonoSynth constructed in setup, I had to find a way to manipulate them in draw repeatedly. My first attempt(code) was creating new Tone.Filter, new Tone.AmplitudeEnvelope, and new Tone.ScaledEnvelope in draw and have  synth.connect(ampEnv);. but the sound would stop after a few loops, with some delay and noise and mouse location doesn't seem to change in Q or f values doesn't seem to affect the sound.  So my second attempt(code) was moving the whole MonoSynth constructor into draw loop, and the interaction seemed to work but still sometimes the audio loop would stop for a while before continuing to play. I was wondering if the delay in sound has something to do with the values I put in.   ===> solved: putting all the MonoSynth parameters in setup overloaded my browser causing glitch in sound, so I accessed the parameters by using dot notation: synth.filter.Q.value = q; and synth.filterEnvelope.decay = d;

At the end I combined my MonoSynth with my 2D toroidal flow sketch  and here is my final sketch .
