W4 Wave Sketch

I took my code from the Code of Music class' assignment and reworked it to add some interaction elements. I expanded my code from this sine wave example by creating a wave class using a constructor function and created 2 arrays of 8 waves objects, one array moving to the left and one moving to the right, and passed in wave speed, wave period, wave y location and wave color associated with the index of the array. I kept my setup and draw loop as clean as possible by using array of objects and kept most of the code inside the constructor function. I added mouse interaction so that when user click on the left or right half of the canvas, it slows down or speeds up the wave movement. At the same time when mouse click is at the top or bottom half of the canvas, it increases or decreases the wave amplitudes.

As I was creating the wave objects, I came across two different ways of creating objects in p5js, one is using a class, the other is using constructor function. It seems like either way works, but I was a little confused about the differences between the two methods.

To play here: https://editor.p5js.org/full/rJIWWa1qQ
