W1 Create a digital, audio-visual, sample based instrument

  As I'm still a beginner user of the p5js web editor, for this audio-visual sample based instrument assignment, I was only able to create some simple visuals. The best sound sample to go with my visual is minimal ambient and analog sounds. I used two samples from freesound.org I named ambient and signal. I also referred to p5 sound library to generate an oscillator with new p5.noise() as the third sound.

I started with creating a snow screen with all random greyscale pixels similar to the old fashioned static TV screen. Then I had key 'a' to toggle play ambient.wav and the snow screen.

Then I used mousePressed() to turn on signal.wav, which is a higher pitch white noise. At the mean time the snow screen turns into RGB scale from greyscale. When mouse is released, however, the RGB is turned off.

Finally I created a greyscale slider reactive to mouseX, to change the bandpass frequency of the filter of the p5.noise oscillator generated. I referred to: https://p5js.org/reference/#/p5.Filter . The bigger the mouseX value is the higher the frequency.

The longest time I spent when I was stuck was to figure out how to toggle play with key and mouse, using boolean aPressed, sound.IsPlaying(),  and figure out how to use event functions like keyPressed(), mousePressed(), mouseReleased() .

I wanted to keep this first project relatively simple as I slowly start to build my programming skill. Therefore I did not spend much time worrying about the sound input.

my code: https://editor.p5js.org/ada10086/sketches/SJz68kd_Q

A screen recording of me playing with the instrument:
